Our Latest News
Keep up to date with what’s happening at the Charity Learning Consortium. Check out our handy guides and guest articles.Meeting the skills needs of the third sector
How do you ensure staff and volunteers have the essential skills they need to meet increasing demands when you only have a limited budget? At a seminar in March, Martin Baker, from the Charity Learning Consortium, and Andy Lancaster, from the CIPD, will explain how using learning technologies appeals to a modern workforce and helps to meet business goals.
HT2 and CLC join forces to provide next gen learning for the third sector with Learning Locker
HT2 and the Charity Learning Consortium have entered into a new partnership agreement to help bring the Open Source Learning Record Store, Learning Locker, to the third sector.
7 Deadly Strategies for Increasing Learner Engagement
L&D teams are sometimes at a loss as to why learners aren’t engaging with their content and applying it in the workplace. That’s why Towards Maturity have come up with these 7 strategies to help you build staff engagement.
Putting Social Technologies to Work
There are certain phrases you are unlikely to hear and one of those that springs to my mind is “please don’t put your mobile phone down, I’d love you to spend some more time using it.” The mobile device has become a much loved and/or much demonised instrument, I love it, and here’s why….
Engaging Today’s Online Learner
Engaging today’s online learner can be a tough task – when you’ve spent countless hours developing your content to the point where it’s ready for consumption, suddenly, you’ve got to figure out how your staff and volunteers will engage with it and put it to maximum use. Laura Overton reveals some helpful tips.
Where to Start with Online Classrooms
Feeling overwhelmed by virtual classrooms, online learning and everything ‘e’ enabled? Jo Cook has some great advice on overcoming fears and getting started.
CL Consortium Ltd
Vine House, Selsley Road,
Stroud, GL5 5NN