Online courses that deliver learning for charities
We’ve curated an extensive library of 300 eLearning courses, with modules that cover nearly every topic that you may need.
Charities are diverse and no two are the same. They all have different needs when it comes to training; that’s why we’ve teamed up with a range of providers to offer the most engaging courses available.
You’ll be hard-pressed to find a more complete library to suit your charity’s needs.
Our most popular eLearning courses
Health & Safety topics
- Fire safety
- Manual handling
- Display Screen Equipment (DSE)
- Food Hygiene
and many more!
View all 300+ courses here.
GDPR topics
- Data Breaches & Handling
- Freedom of Information Act
and many more!
View all 300+ courses here.
Safeguarding topics
- Safeguarding for adults
- Safeguarding for children
- Prevent
- Types of abuse
and many more!
View all 300+ courses here.
Health & Social Care topics
- Care certificate
- MCA Dols
- Infection control
- Basic life support
and many more!
View all 300+ courses here.
Management topics
- Leadership
- Change Management
- Coaching
- Effective decision making
and many more!
View all 300+ courses here.
Personal Development
- Personal productivity
- Time management
- Creative thinking
- Problem solving
and many more!
View all 300+ courses here.
Mental Health & Wellbeing
- Managing emotions
- Resilience
- Mindfulness
- Menopause Awareness
and many more!
View all 300+ courses here.
Policy & Legislation topics
- Fraud Awareness
- Safeguarding
- Sexual Harassment
and many more!
View all 300+ courses here.
We are proud to work with a range of fantastic eLearning providers

Our most popular video topics
We have created a video learning library called Clear lessons.
It’s designed to share expertise with all those working and volunteering in the UK charity sector. The collection of over 1,500 videos includes both animation and talking-heads style. Many of the topics are charity-specific and include:
EDI for trustees
What is a fundraising plan?
Leadership: Why creating purpose matters
Volunteer manager overview
Volunteering: safeguarding and health & safety
COVID 19: Working as a team remotely
Interested in finding out more?
Contact us today for information on pricing, full course lists, or if you have any questions
10 reasons why charities should be using eLearning
There are hundreds of reasons why charities should be using eLearning but we’ve whittled it down to our top 10.
Our white paper looks at the great things that can happen when charities incorporate eLearning into their training mix from some of our members, including the likes of Shelter, St John Ambulance, Cymru and Cats Protection.
It’s a great resource to support a case towards your eLearning journey or to enhance the investment you’ve already made.

More from the Charity Learning Consortium

Learning Management System
We provide members with an online platform to host all content and track learner progress.

We host regular complimentary events for members. We occasionally open these events up to non-members.

CL Consortium Ltd
Vine House, Selsley Road,
Stroud, GL5 5NN