Charity Learning Award Winners
The award winners of 2022 are here! Take some time to read through our charities and members’ achievements and fantastic work they’ve been doing after the last few years of turmoil.
Di’s daring wingwalk raises more than £5k
A disabled pensioner’s thrilling wingwalk, sponsored by the Charity Learning Consortium, has raised more than £5k for dementia research.
Top tips for creating blockbuster eLearning
Jake Barnell shares his hints and tips for writing great screenplays, to create successful, broadcast-quality animations and eLearning.
Creating an eLearning style guide
Consistency in eLearning is really important and is the difference between a professional-looking resource and a Frankenstein-like experience. Gill Chester shares her tips on how to achieve this.
Do you have the teams and performance you deserve?
Sean Spurgin outlines how leaders and managers can block great team performance, and explains how developing performance focused leadership skills is vital for organisational change.
Recover, refocus, rebuild: The story of BH Live learning
Sarah Stickland and Louise Oliver at BH Live, share a some creative solutions to rebuild and sustain learning and development.
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